散策・剣と盾の凱旋 Tempest of Swords and Shields
There's no time to waste.
エーデルガルト: 同盟が終われば王国……立ち止まっている暇はない。
Edelgard: If the Alliance falls, then the Kingdom will... There's no time to waste.
If we hesitate, we risk losing the initiative.
I do think we should let the troops rest, though... We must maintain morale, Professor.
And let's make sure this matter stays between us. If it gets out, I'll struggle to forgive even you.
Choice 1: あのこと? What matter?
エーデルガルト: アドラステア帝国の皇帝を怒らせたらどうなるか、わかっていないようね。
Edelgard: Hmm... It seems you don't comprehend the consequences of angering the emperor.
Choice 2: わかっている Understood. (Edelgard ⤴)
エーデルガルト: それならいいけれど。
Edelgard: Thank you.
An interesting character.
ヒューベルト: クロード=フォン=リーガン。面白い男でしたな。
Hubert: Claude von Riegan. What an interesting character.
Underneath that compassionate exterior, he was always cold and calculating.
Ordinary fools run headlong into combat, without even considering the possibility of defeat.
But to consider one's chances, and to prepare for plans to go awry―that takes real intelligence.
I have to say, I am impressed beyond words.
I'm so moved.
フェルディナント: 大勢が決まれば、争いをやめる……同盟貴族の決断に、私は感動しているよ!
Ferdinand: The majority is with us. This conflict will end soon. I am so moved by the Alliance nobles' decision.
That is true nobility! Acting in accordance with the people's needs and wishes.
As war drags on, those living near the front lines inevitably get the worst of it.
We will not see such a peaceful resolution in Faerghus, I am afraid, as it is ruled by the royal family, not a council of nobles.
The Holy Mausoleum's interesting, no?
リンハルト: 聖廟を探索してました。あそこは面白いですね。面白いですよ?
Linhardt: I've been exploring the Holy Mausoleum. It's quite interesting in there.
There is a mechanism I believe would allow us passage into the Holy Tomb, but I'm unclear on how to activate it.
My research hasn't turned up much. It may come down to asking the archbishop for details.
Choice 1: 研究で何とか Your research will find something. (Linhardt ⤴)
Choice 2: 流石に厳しい That's a puzzler.
リンハルト: そうですねえ。どっちが面倒かは考えなくてもわかります。
Linhardt: Indeed. We'll see if it's worth the trouble.
Did you meet my father?
カスパル: デアドラでオレの親父に会ったか?
Caspar: Did you meet my father in Derdriu? I guess he'll be responsible for controlling the Riegan territory and maintaining popular support. Not really sure what all that means though...
Choice 1: 勉強しよう You should study more. (Caspar ⤴)
カスパル: やっぱそうだよな!オレもしっかりしなきゃいけねえしなあ。
Caspar: You're probably right. I'll do my best!
Choice 2: 仕方ない It doesn't matter.
カスパル: え、いいのか? てっきり勉強しろって言われるかと思ってたぜ。
Caspar: Are you sure? I figured you'd say something about me having to study more. Oh, I get it. This is a test! I'm definitely gonna have to brush up.
That's good, right?
ベルナデッタ: あたし思うんですけど、引き籠もりって戦争向いてないですよね。
Bernadetta: War isn't kind to you if you're a recluse. By the time you realize what's going on, you're already under attack. And if you're off by yourself, you can get killed with no one ever even finding out.
Choice 1: ようやく気づいたか Sounds like you're learning.
Choice 2: 流石にそれはないのでは Isn't that a little pessimistic? (Bernadetta ⤴)
ベルナデッタ: あ、でも、ほら、あたし、部屋からはこうして出られてますし! 大丈夫……?
Bernadetta: Got me out of my room, at least! That's good, right?
They write operas about things like this.
ドロテア: レスター諸侯同盟が、なくなったんですね。同盟の300年の歴史に、終止符が……。
Dorothea: The Leicester Alliance is no more. Three hundred years of history...gone and done.
They write operas about events like this, you know.
ドロテア: 先生の役は、きっと当代一の美男子が務めるわね。
Dorothea: I'm sure you'll be played by the most handsome actor of the time. Hearts will pound as he takes the stage.
A diva will play Edie! You'll fall madly in love, even if it isn't historically accurate.
ドロテア: 先生の役は、きっとその時の歌姫が務めるわね。
Dorothea: I'm sure they'll have a talent and beautiful songstress playing you.
Probably for Edie as well. I wonder if there'll be romantic tension between your two characters, even if it's not historically accurate?
The Kingdom always is cold...
ペトラ: 王国、いつも、寒いです。わたし、不得意、です、寒い場所。
Petra: The Kingdom always is cold. I have hatred for the cold.
Brigid is not cold. We have no Cold Spirit.
Does the goddess of Fódlan give protection from the cold? I am wishing I knew how to ask her...
Can my old man defend Arianrhod?
フェリクス: ……フン、わざわざアリアンロッドまで出てくるとは、親父殿もご苦労なことだ。
Felix: Hmph. My father is holding Arianrhod secure.
Our next battle will be there, against him, or in Fhirdiad, which the king is protecting.
Choice 1: 彼らを斬れる? Can you fight them?
フェリクス: チッ……舐めるな。俺とて、とっくに腹をくくった。
Felix: Ha! Don't underestimate me. I've been preparing for this for a long time.
Choice 2: 頼もしい I'm counting on you. (Felix ⤴)
フェリクス: フン……お前もせいぜい腹をくくることだな。
Felix: Hah. You just worry about yourself.
Will the Kingdom fall like the Alliance?
アッシュ: デアドラが落ちて、同盟諸侯は帝国に降った……。
Ashe: Derdriu's fallen. The Alliance nobles have surrendered to the Empire.
We made it through with as few losses as possible. Not bad, all things considered...
But I doubt it'll be so easy to deal with Faerghus.
Ah, that'll be really tough...
シルヴァン: レスターの次はいよいよファーガスですか。ああ、ほんと、やりにくいなあ……。
Sylvain: First Leicester and next Faerghus? Ah, that'll be really tough.
Look, Professor... Fighting Faerghus? Isn't there some way we can come to an understanding?
Choice 1: あるかもしれない Maybe there is. (Sylvain ⤴)
シルヴァン: まあ、皇帝陛下もあの頑固野郎も、端から和解する気なんてないんでしょうけどね。
Sylvain: Yeah, but Edelgard and her idiot sidekick haven't shown much desire to compromise, have they?
Choice 2: ない No.
シルヴァン: うわっ、潔く言い切りやがりましたね。……まあ、わかってますよ、そんなことは。
Sylvain: Harsh...but true. I don't see how we can avoid what's coming.
シルヴァン: ほんと……昔馴染みを相手に殺し合いを仕掛けるってのは嫌なもんです。
Sylvain: Truthfully, I hate the idea of planning to kill people I used to be so close with. I guess everybody feels that way though.
Can we settle this without a fight?
メルセデス: クロードを殺さずに済んで、本当に良かったわ~。
Mercedes: Oh, Claude. I'm so relieved that he managed to make it out alive.
You'll be fighting the Kingdom next, right? Then the church?
Isn't there some way we can do this without fighting Dimitri and Lady Rhea? I suppose not...
メルセデス: クロード……仕方なかったとはいえ、本当に、残念だったわ~……。
Mercedes: Oh, Claude. It's too late now, but it's such a shame...
You'll be fighting the Kingdom next, right? Then the church?
I guess Edelgard won't hesitate to cut Dimitri and Lady Rhea down...
A moment in history...
アネット: あたしたち、歴史的な瞬間に立ち会っちゃったのかもしれませんね。
Annette: We may be witnessing a key moment in history.
Hundreds of years from now, your name and Edelgard's will be written in the history books, Professor!
Choice 1: そうかもしれない Perhaps. (Annette ⤴)
Choice 2: 少し恥ずかしい That's a little embarrassing.
アネット: え、どうして恥ずかしいんですか?歴史を動かすなんて、凄いと思いますよ!
Annette: What, how? I think it's just amazing!
アネット: だけど、あたしたちがやったことが正しいのかどうかを決めるのは……
Annette: I wonder who will decide whether we did the right thing or not...
Well, it won't be us, anyway. Probably the people of a future era.
Do not underestimate things.
イングリット: 無事に同盟との戦いを終えたとはいえ、気を抜くのはまだ早いですよ、先生。
Ingrid: While the battle with the Alliance is over, we still need to stay vigilant.
Both the church and the Kingdom are not to be taken lightly. I have the feeling we'll draw their attention soon.
Weapon prep and training are of the utmost importance now more than ever.
The praise for Claude was unfounded.
ローレンツ: クロードの知謀を称える者が多いようだが、僕はあいつを認める気はない。
Lorenz: It seems all that praise of Claude's ingenuity was largely unfounded.
A truly clever man would have realized defeat was inevitable and surrendered.
Or, failing that, he could have rallied the Alliance nobles to secure a real fighting chance.
ローレンツ: ……と、いつか直接、本人に言ってやるさ。いずれまた、ふらりと現れるだろう。
Lorenz: I regret not telling him so. But I suppose a man like him will not remain hidden for long.
ローレンツ: ……と、直接本人に言ってやりたかったよ。その機会を逃したことが、心残りだ。
Lorenz: I regret missing my only opportunity to tell him so.
It still hasn't hit me...
ラファエル: オデは貴族じゃねえから、同盟がなくなっても困らねえけど……。
Raphael: I'm no noble, so it won't make much difference to me...
But it hasn't really hit me yet that the Alliance is finished.
ラファエル: クロードくん、今頃どこで、何してるんだかなあ……。
I wonder where Claude is now. What he's getting up to...
ラファエル: クロードくんが死んじまったってのも、まだ信じられねえよ。
It hasn't even hit me that Claude is dead either.
I half think he might have fak so he can jump out and surprise us. That's the kinda thing he'd do.
I saw it with my own eyes.
イグナーツ: レスター諸侯同盟の最後をこの目で見届けられて良かったです。
Ignatz: To think, I saw the end of the Leicester Alliance with my own eyes.
I witnessed a turning point in the history of my homeland. I'm not sure how to express my feelings right now.
Choice 1: 戦記を書いたら? Why not write about it?
イグナーツ: いや、ボクにそんな文才はありませんし。でも子供ができたら話して聞かせたいな。
Ignatz: No, I don't have a gift for words. But perhaps I'll tell my children someday, if I have any.
Choice 2: 絵に残したら? Why not paint a picture? (Ignatz ⤴)
イグナーツ: そうですね……。ボク、描いてみます!デアドラが陥落する様子を。
Ignatz: That's right, I'll paint it! "The Fall of Derdriu."
イグナーツ: 昔、こんなことがあったんだよって、ボクらが後世に伝えないと。
Ignatz: So that posterity can remember our triumph.
I'll leave the rest to her.
リシテア: コーデリア家は、戦いに巻き込まれずに済みました。
Lysithea: The battle ended without House Ordelia getting involved.
Although...I've no desire to continue on with my family, so from here on out, it's up to Edelgard.
I have Claude to thank.
Ultimately, this ended without the Alliance being entirely consumed by war. It's all thanks to Claude.
I'll offer thanks to Claude.
リシテア: ……クロードには、感謝しています。
だから先生に誘われた時、迷わずに 受け入れられた。それに……
Lysithea: I have Claude to thank.
Before the battle, he considered my precarious position and told me it wouldn't matter if we fell to the Empire.
So when you invited me, I accepted without hesitation.
Ultimately, this ended without the Alliance being entirely consumed by war. It's all thanks to Claude.
All I can do is pray...
マリアンヌ: ……まだ、考えてしまうんです。
Marianne: I wonder...
Was there really no way to end it without fighting Claude?
Choice 1: 仕方なかった It couldn't be helped. Marianne ⤴)
マリアンヌ: ええ、そうだったんでしょうね……。
Marianne: You're probably right...
Choice 2: これで良かった It's better this way.
マリアンヌ: そうなんでしょうか……。
Marianne: I hope you're right...
マリアンヌ: 今の私にできることは、彼のために祈ることだけ……。
Marianne: I suppose the only thing I can do for him now is pray...
マリアンヌ: どうか、彼が幸せに暮らせますように……。
Marianne: That he may live the rest of his life in happiness.
マリアンヌ: どうか、安らかに……。
Marianne: That he may rest in peace.
Am I too soft?
レオニー: ……戦場に立つ以上、何の恨みもない奴と戦わなきゃならないのは当然のことだ。
Leonie: The worst part about going to battle is knowing you might have a friend fighting for the other side.
You were a mercenary, Professor. Were you always prepared for that?
Choice 1: もちろんだ Absolutely.
レオニー: ……だよな。わたしも、いい加減に覚悟を決めなきゃ、一流の傭兵にはなれないよな。
Leonie: Guess I need to learn. Won't make a very good mercenary otherwise, will I?
Choice 2: まだ躊躇いはある I still hesitate. (Leonie ⤴)
レオニー: 先生でも、まだそんな感じなのか?……わたしも、なかなか慣れないもんだな。
Leonie: That's reassuring. I don't think I'll ever get used to it.
レオニー: 敵がかつての友達だったら、尚更……冷静じゃいられなくなっちまう。
Leonie: Fighting old friends―there's nothing worse. My hands shake just thinking about it.
レオニー: 正直、クロードの奴が死ななくて良かった。甘いのかな、こんなふうに考えるのは。
Leonie: I'm glad Claude didn't die. Does that make me soft?
Leonie: I didn't want Claude to die. Does that make me soft?
レオニー: 正直、クロードの奴は死なせたくなかった。甘いのかな、こんなふうに考えるのは。
I ought to properly search the place.
アロイス: このガルグ=マクで暮らしてかれこれもう数十年になるが……
Alois: I've lived at Garreg Mach Monastery for a few decades now.
Still, the other day I got myself all turned around! There are so many secret rooms and hidden passages.
Maybe I'll take the time to properly search the place.
Care to join me? I expect it'd take a whole day.
The thing about the emperor...
シャミア: あんたも甘い。……クロードのことだ。
Shamir: You're too soft. I'm talking about Claude.
Our emperor mercilessly cuts down all those who stand in her way...
But perhaps she is more tolerant of those who know their place.
シャミア: 我らが皇帝陛下は、立ち塞がる者は残らず斬り捨てる……
Shamir: Our emperor mercilessly cuts down all those who stand in her way...
Even the "Master Tactician."
Has the dynasty expired?
ハンネマン: クロードはいずこかに姿を消し、リーガン家は終焉を迎えた、か。
Hanneman: It seems Claude has disappeared...
ハンネマン: クロードは戦死、リーガン家は断絶、か。
Hanneman: Claude...lost in battle. My goodness.
ハンネマン: リーガンの紋章はそれほど珍しいものではないが……
Hanneman: Do you suppose this means the end of House Riegan? While the Crest of von Riegan is not terribly rare...
The long linage of the von Riegan family will be broken.
Choice 1: これも戦争の結果だ It's just another consequence of war. (Hanneman ⤴)
Choice 1: 死を悼もう We should mourn his death. (Hanneman ⤴)
ハンネマン: ああ、そうであるな……。
Hanneman: Agreed. The poor boy...
Choice 2: 研究に支障は? Does this pose an obstacle to your research?
ハンネマン: 問題はない。零細な紋章もそれなりの研究方法がある。
Hanneman: No... At the very least, I think not. There are other, lesser Crests to research.
Yet I am a human first and a scholar second. For now, I grieve the fallen and pray for those still living.
I'm still uneasy about this...
マヌエラ: 今はまだいいけれど、そのうち大司教や、騎士団と直接、戦うことになるわよね。
Manuela: You know as well as I do, the day's coming that we'll have to fight the archbishop and her knights.
We've got some strong fighters here, sure. But even with all our training, I don't know if we can win.
I just don't see how any of us can compete with the archbishop, say, turning into a monster.
Choice 1: 戦うしかない If we must fight, we will. (Manuela ⤵)
マヌエラ: ええっ!? あなた、死ぬまで戦えなんて言うんじゃないでしょうね?
Manuela: Yeah? What if that fight's to the death―yours and mine in particular?
Choice 2: 時には逃げても構わない Sometimes it can be better to retreat. (Manuela ⤴)
マヌエラ: まあ、そうよね。あたくしなんて、遺産も使えない身だし。
Manuela: That's exactly what I was saying. I've always appreciated how you listen to me.
The reason I'm here...
イエリッツァ: 私は、皇帝にも帝国にも忠誠を誓っているわけではない……。
Jeritza: Neither the emperor nor the Empire have my allegiance.
It is all simply part of the agreement. There is no other reason for me to be here.
How could the Alliance have disbanded?
アンナ: 同盟がなくなっただなんて……まだ信じられない。
Anna: The Alliance is just...gone. It's hard to believe.
The merchants of Derdriu all have nerves of steel. I'm sure they'll be up and running again in no time.
I will protect Garreg Mach!
ランドルフ: いよいよ、王国……そして、教団との戦いに臨むことになるんですね。
Randolph: Finally, the Kingdom... After that, we'll battle the church. I volunteered for monastery guard duty. It was more for my family than anything. But now, from the bottom of my heart, I want to see Her Majesty ruling this land. Even if it costs me my life, I will protect Garreg Mach!
I'll defend to the bitter end!
フレーチェ: 私は、ただランドルフ兄さんの力になりたくて、兵士に志願しました。
Fleche: I just wanted to help out my brother, Randolph, so I aspired to be a soldier. My brother puts his life on the line to fight, so I'll put everything I have into it too. Eventually the enemy will attack, and when they do, we'll defend this place to the bitter end!
Good luck in battle!
ラディスラヴァ: 次にあなた方が相手にするのは、王国軍とセイロス騎士団……共に恐るべき敵です。
Ladislava: Your next opponents will be the Kingdom's army and the Knights of Seiros. Both fearsome foes.
Put the mobility of my troops to good use, and let us protect the Kingdom's western battle front.
When this month has ended, I'll depart. I pray that you have good luck in battle.
Best of luck!
門番: お疲れ様です!本日も異常なしであります!
Gatekeeper: Greetings, Professor! Nothing to report!
You may already know this, but the Kingdom and the Alliance were once a single entity.
The leaders of the Alliance, House Riegan, are actually a branch of the Blaiddyd royal family.
In a way, it's just a battle of the part of Blaiddyd family tree that rose in rebellion against the Empire...
Lord Rodrigue won't surrender.
兵士: アリアンロッドを守っているロドリグ卿は、“ファーガスの盾”と称される名称です。
Soldier: They call Lord Rodrigue, who's defending Arianrhod, the Shield of Faerghus. He used to be on friendly terms with Dimitri's father, the former king. There's no chance that he'll surrender to us.
The Knights of Seiros...
兵士: 言うまでもなく、ここガルグ=マクは、セイロス教にとって最も重要な聖地……
Soldier: It goes without saying but Garreg Mach is the most important sacred place to the Church of Seiros.
The Knights of Seiros will try to get this place back by any means necessary.
I don't think they're going to stay in the Kingdom capital forever. We should stay vigilant.
They say he is superhuman.
兵士: ファーガスのディミトリ王は、とんでもない怪力の持ち主だとか……。
Soldier: King Dimitri of Faerghus possesses superhuman strength... I heard he can lift a horse with a single hand! I wonder if it's true...
The time is close at hand.
兵士: 帝国軍の本隊は旧同盟領の西部に移動して王国を西から攻める準備を進めています。
Soldier: The main body of the Imperial army is moving to the western region of the former Alliance territory to attack the kingdom. The time when victory or defeat will be decided between us and the Kingdom is close at hand.
Randolph sure is easy on the eyes.
市民: ランドルフさんは食べっぷりがいいから、見ていて気持ちがいいのよね。男前だし。
Citizen: Randolph has a big appetite. It does a heart good to see him. And he's handsome, too.
Compared to him, Hubert is... Heh, forget I said anything.
General Ladislava...
市民: ラディスラヴァ将軍は、帝国市民の間でとても人気があるんですよ。
Citizen: General Ladislava is really popular among the citizens of the Empire.
If I remember correctly, the emperor herself has recognized her genius and made her a general.
Despite her considerable talent, she never puts on airs. And she's beautiful too.
She's even known as the Scarlet Warrior.
General Randolph is a strong leader.
商人: 旧同盟領はベルグリーズ伯の手腕もあって、大きな混乱はないようですね。
Merchant: Doesn't seem to be much unrest in the former Alliance territories, perhaps thanks to Count Bergliez' strength. That said, General Randolph is the head of one of the branches of House Bergliez. It was once difficult for someone from a branch family to get ahead in life. But under His Majesty... Anyone who accomplishes great deeds during the war will see more success than they could have ever imagined!
You must know this already.
学者: 君は知っているだろうか?かつてファーガス地方は帝国領だったのだ。
Scholar: You must know this already... The former Faerghus territory used to belong to the Empire.
The Battle of Tailtean, where Nemesis was defeated, put Faerghus under the Empire's control.
Centuries later, a revolution sprung up in Faerghus, and through the mediation of the church, the Kingdom gained independence.
The ringleader of the revolt became the first king, Loog von Blaiddyd.
The Blaiddyds, the royal family of Faerghus, are directly descended from Loog, who was also known as the King of Lions.
If you look at it from the point of view of the Empire, the Kingdom is just a bunch of traitors.
:ヒューベルト: |
:ヒューベルト: |
Supply Run (Hubert)
Receiving the Quest
Hubert: Would you assist us in securing more resources?
Quest Completion
Hubert: Thank you for helping to gather resources. Please accept this simple gift, by way of compensation.
:アンナ: |
ない! ないわ!
:アンナ: |
ありがとー! 助かっちゃったわ。
The Secret Shop (Anna)
Receiving the Quest
Anna: It's gone! Gone, I say! I can't do business without it... Hey, you! Get it back for me, and I'll cut you the deal of your life!
Quest Completion
Anna: Thanks, friend! That's a huge relief. Now I can finally open up shop! I'll be sure to swing by the monastery again, so keep an eye on the schedule and bring lots of gold!
:商人: |
:商人: |
可愛いだろう? 皆に自慢するといい。
Undercover Commerce (Merchant)
Receiving the Quest
Merchant: Don't tell anyone, but...I'm actually an Almyran merchant. I'm looking to export some goods from Fódlan and sell them back to my homeland. If you help me, I'll reward you handsomely.
Quest Completion
Merchant: Thanks for helping us out. Here's your reward. It's a stuffed Nader bear! Cute, right?! This toy is incredibly popular with Almyran children these days. Feel free to show it off, but don't tell anyone where you got it from.
Better really focus.
ユーリス: デアドラを陥落させただけで、同盟領をまとめて味方にひっくり返す、か。
Yuri: I'm impressed by how quickly toppling Derdriu brought the Alliance into the fold. Ideally we'd crush the Kingdom with ease...but something tells me it'll be...complicated. You'd better sharpen your focus to a fine point. Though I'm sure you already know that.
I've gotta keep doing my thing.
バルタザール: 同盟は消えちまったが、おれの実家、アダルブレヒト家はどうにか無事のようだ。
Balthus: The Alliance may be finished, but House Albrecht managed to come out unscathed.
It's all thanks to my little bro. He's a great guy. I'm sure he'll do well under the Empire.
Choice 1: それなら安心だ That's good to hear. (Relationship with Balthus up)
バルタザール: ああ、今じゃ縁は切れてるとはいえ、気にはなってたんでな。
Balthus: No kidding. I may have cut ties with them, but I was still curious to know how they were managing.
Choice 2: 実家に顔を出したら? Will you go back there now?
バルタザール: 今更、顔出したところで歓迎されねえよ。そもそも、そんな暇もねえだろうが。
Balthus: Not a chance. I don't have time for drama like that.
バルタザール: 今更、貴族になんざ戻る気はねえし、おれはおれで好きに暴れてやるさ。
Balthus: The world may have changed, but I haven't. I have no interest in playing the noble game. I'd rather just keep doing my thing.
Our victory draws nearer!
コンスタンツェ: 勝ち目のない戦いはさっさと放棄する……。同盟諸侯らしい決断の早さですわね。
Constance: The swiftness of the Alliance's withdrawal on seeing that they had no hope of victory was unsurprising. Given their complete lack of solidarity, there could really have been no other outcome.
Choice 1: 同盟諸侯が嫌い? Do you have a problem with the Alliance nobles? (Relationship with Constance up)
コンスタンツェ: いいえ、貴族とは自領の民を守るべき存在、その点では評価すべきだと思っていますわ。
Constance: No. But a noble's duty is to protect the commonfolk of their territory. I judge the Alliance by that metric.
Choice 2: クロードの根回しでは? Wasn't their withdrawal Claude's idea?
コンスタンツェ: 彼は同盟貴族の性格を踏まえて策を立てた。その点では見事と言うほかありませんわね。
Constance: Yes, but he built his scheme with their self-interest as its cornerstone. Very cunning of him.
コンスタンツェ: 何にせよ、これで3大勢力の一角が崩れた。帝国の勝利は着実に近づいておりますわ!
Constance: What's important is that one of the forces arrayed against us has fallen. Our victory draws nearer!
It's pretty twisted.
Hapi: We're fighting people we used to know from the Officers Academy. Guess that's the kind of thing that happens in war, but...still. It's pretty twisted. It makes me feel so... Oof. Maybe I'll just try not to think about it.
Times are changing...
番人: 先生、お疲れさんです。ここは本日も異常ありですよ。
Abysskeeper: Hey, you. Listen up. I've got something to report.
The Alliance is a thing of the past now. Times are changing fast these days. It's hard to keep up, even for me!
I wonder if Abyss is on the verge of change too. Change leads to uncertainty, and uncertainty leads to...change? I dunno. I'm just a guard.
Please don't tell anyone!
住人: しーっ、私のことはしーっでお願いします!実は私、逃亡兵なんです。
Resident: Please, you can't tell anyone you saw me here. I'm in hiding from the army.
I couldn't stand the war. The violence. I had to get away... But now that I've deserted, I can't go home.
Justice, ambition—what does any of that matter if you're dead? I just want to live. Is that so wrong?
怪しい男: ………………。
Suspicious Man: ... That damn prince. Seems my role here is at an end. No matter. Should another chance present itself, I'll take a less subtle route...
Got a wager for you.
住人: あんた、一つ賭けをしないか。今この瞬間、アビスに多いのはどっちだ?
Resident: Got a wager for ya. My friend says there's twice as many women in Abyss as men. You think he's right?
Choice 1: 男の数 No. The men aren't as few as that.
住人: 正解だ。冴えてるお前に贈り物をやろう。……何か妙な力でイカサマはしてねえよな?
Resident: Good eye. You win. Here, have a little something. (Gain Mythril x5)
Choice 2: 女の数の2倍 Yes. Easily twice as many women.
住人: 不正解だ。注意力が足りねえな。もう少し周囲をよく見て歩くんだな。
Resident: No way. You got eyes? Take a look around.